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As the manufacturer and designer, we provide technical customization service from hardware, firmware to software to well meet various requirements from the market. Please contact our sales team for further discussion.
Yes, CT9 E is with embedded relay to control door or turnstile.
Yes, CT9 E can be used with glove for touchscreen input.
CT9 E has integrated QR reader to scan the QR code displayed on mobile phone or printed on paper.
Yes, CT9 E supports APB function, and it can distinguish Card ID is read from itself or slave reader.
Yes, CT9 E supports TCP/IP interface with PoE together.
Yes, CT9 E supports HTTP/HTTPs protocol.
Yes, there are two working modes online/offline for CT9 E.
(1) Online mode:
CT9 E read and send card ID or mobile credential to your server software to identify its validity. If it is valid, server software will return "Access Granted" command to the machine, CT9 E will control door lock to open and display image or text as "Access Granted" on touch screen.
(2) Offline mode:
CT9 E has memory to keep user IDs and events to identify the ID validity and control door lock to open or keep closed.
Yes, CT9 E can be integrated with the web server to achieve the function.
Yes, in HTTP/HTTPS protocol, for the convenience of customer’s usage and ensure the security, some configuration of CT9 E can be configured with server.
When network is disconnected, CT9 E can work as standalone to store user IDs and events records. When network gets connection, CT9 E will connect server automatically. All the local events records can be uploaded to server if CT9 E receive the command from server.
Yes, CT9 E fully supports to read both of DESFire CSN and encrypted data in application file with DES/3DES/AES encryption.
It can do the development on a Windows environment by using HTTP protocol.